26 Mar, 2021 | mobile development company

Complete Guide to Reduce Your Mobile Application Development Cost

Complete Guide to Reduce Your Mobile Application Development Cost
Best Mobile App development services and procedures are a highly time-consuming and costly process. Even the most basic software will cost tens of thousands of dollars and months to develop. The cost and timeline can be daunting and prohibitive for a company interested in entering the mobile space or an entrepreneur eager to bring their product to market. There are many ways to do it faster and cheaper if you know what you are doing and go into it arranged. An app is a rule made by a group of creators and engineers, each a master in their field. The normal mid-sized extent takes between 8 to 20 weeks, depending on the app.

Expenses while creating a mobile app?

The plan and programming costs are not the cost you will incur when creating an app. It’s too critical to calculating costs like server expenses, Apple and Google engineer account memberships, progress support costs, promoting costs, and third-party administrators. Usually, when you start a startup must keep the following things in mind during the app development process:
  • Expenses to the servers Based on the number of users, the amount of data sent and received, and the kinds of services you have going, servers can cost anything from $10 to $10,000 a month. Free hosting tiers are available from companies like Amazon AWS and Heroku to get you started. For certain applications, a free tier could be sufficient, at least initially. Others would need more server resources or add users faster, in which case a free tier will not suffice.
  • Profiles for Developers To be able to publish your software on the Apple and/or Android app stores, you will need to join their developer programs. To become an Android developer, Google charges a one-time $25 fee, while Apple charges a $99 annual registration fee to be a part of their developer program.
  • Expenses for Ongoing Servicing To keep the app life and up-to-date, budget at least $1,000 a year for simple app maintenance. The cost of a new Apple or Google operating system upgrades, deprecation or major changes to third-party applications, or major platform updates may be much greater.
  • Costs in marketing
mobile app marketing The promotion of your app will be as much or as little as you want. You will rely on your sector, customer group, budget, and desired result in the marketing campaign. Such applications spend $0 on ads, and others spent millions. It has been a massive achievement. Most importantly, applications need some form of advertisement. If you are paying for ads or motivated by social influencers, a marketing campaign is the app's growth.

What is the reason for the high cost of the best mobile app development services?

The high cost of software production is mostly due to high labour. Employees with advanced design and programming expertise will command comparatively high wages in Australia and around the world. An app is a piece of software that is typically created over a long period by a professional team. The procedure entails comprehensive planning, architecture, scripting, testing, debugging, and implementation, all of which are carried out by specialists in their respective fields. It takes time to prepare, develop, create, and evaluate an app, much like every other piece of software. The higher the production rate, the longer it takes to build the software. If you choose the best mobile app development services, then you can reduce the development cost.

Can you create a non-cash app?

There are ways to create an app without spending any money, but it is not easy. Among the choices include:
  • Using a no-code platform to develop it yourself.
  • Collecting venture money from investors.
  • Seeking a technical co-founder.

How reduced the expense of mobile app development?

You can employ a freelance software developer in Australia for $75-$100 per hour if you plan the app, oversee the project, and do all testing yourself. Hiring an app development agency to handle it will cost between $100 and $200 per hour, but the project's time contribution will be significantly reduced. Here are some tips for choosing the best mobile app development services in Australia, which will help you to reduce the app development cost.

Avoid custom graphics

Although mobile apps are generally different, there are common elements such as buttons, navigation types, and other details. This is because usually, users expect mobile apps to behave in a certain way, just like in the App Store. For example, Apple has established several guidelines for the human interface, which must be followed by all iOS applications when approved and presented on iOS. For this reason, you can save valuable time and money by using pre-made buttons and similar items. Of course, customize your app, but draw the line whenever needed.

Pay attention to vital features only

Keep in mind that the mobile app you are developing is not meant to deliver everything on earth to your users. The key here is to focus on the nuances of the service and what you want to offer. Offering many features will not only confuse users and disrupt the application but will also cost more time and money, which are very important, especially if you don’t know, you will make a profit or not.

Maximum simplicity for UI / UX

UI / UX design One of the proven methods for reducing application development costs is to use a simple yet attractive design for your application. This is always bound to provide a minimal user experience, as new users are confused with complex designs. Many companies adopt a minimum model to reduce the cost of design.

Develop the apps locally if possible

Offshore construction also ends up being much more costly in the long term for several reasons, typically taking much longer than local development. Offshore development customers have always had inadequate coordination and often unsatisfactory designers, poor quality code, buggy applications that need maintenance or reconstruction, period blowouts, and even more project management and supervision the customer needs.

Construct an MVP (Minimum viable product) to avoid the high cost of app development

Construct an MVP You can learn a lot about MVPs when you launch your software-creation trip, and for a good reason. The first approach to publishing the software's simple barebone version is by testing your app and reducing the chance of spending more time and money on a full version.

Avoid poor quotations

You get what you are paying for in-app growth. When one of the quotes is far lower than the others, it is typically an indication that either the developer is not completely aware of the project or outsource offshore production. The low quotations are nearly too good to be real and will cost you money in the long term.

Use cross-platform

Tools such as PhoneGap, Xamarin, Ionic, and Cordova have reduced development time but have shown bad results. Apart from their native cousins, apps built into this system were clunky, sluggish, and non-responsive. The Respond Native is used to write a single code base for iOS and Android and is used by technology-packers, including Twitter, Instagram, Air BnB, Skype, and Uber Eats. It ensures that you will create the software and run it for iPhone ait and Android, saving about half the time and the cost of building each platform independently. Use a cross-platform system if you plan to support both iOS and Android.

Sort the App while doing the app development process

App sort is likely the greatest figure affecting the improvement fetched. Creating a basic QR code scanner app will cost much less than creating a comprehensive social organization. The number of screens, client sorts, server engineering, and third-party administrations will generally depend on the app sort. Generally, apps like social systems, marketplaces, fake insights, music generation, ride-sharing, and security-heavy apps like keeping money apps, are more costly to create. Lower Fetched Apps Simpler apps like calculators, QR scanners.

Composed of different programming dialects

Building an app that underpins both stages will be more work than building a simple one. On the off chance that your app developer codes natively, they will have to construct the front conclusion of the app twice (in Java and Swift/Objective C) to bolster Android and iOS. The back-conclusion will likely share between the two must be composed once,


The number and complexity of highlights is another major figure that impacts improvement. Complex highlights like social bolster calculations, IoT gadget synchronization, or augmented reality will take more than a basic app development.

App development team location

The location of your software creation will have a significant effect on the price. Since app production is a labour-intensive process, the cost has a direct impact on the total cost. In comparison to other nations, the cost of labour in Australia is comparatively high. But not to worry, WEDOWEBAPPS serve budget-friendly app development services in Australia.

Bottom Line

Mobile app development is not an expensive process. If you follow the right approach strategically, you can do a lot of cost-cutting in various ways. The most crucial factor in selecting the best mobile app development services will control all the above factors. Looking at apps like Tinder or Uber, they are also low-cost apps, but they are in high demand because they have long-awaited revolutionary features by customers. An excellent way to avoid high costs is to use ready-made code fragments, designs created with UI building tools, and a remote team that is experienced in working on projects of your kind. Embark your mobile app development journey with WEDOWEBAPPS today.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does the application cost?

The speed of application development depends on the quality of your team and the number of features you implement. Prices can range from $ 25,000 to $ 100,000 and more. Get affordable Mobile App Development Services In Australia.

2. Is it challenging to create an application?

If you have an idea for an application, but don't know how to create code, then you need to hire mobile app developers. They are divided into two popular types - internal developers and outsourcing teams. Which is better depends on your skills and needs.

3. What is the most profitable application?

Trends in 2021 applications are controversial. Augmented Reality mobile commerce will raise the level of global consumerism. The 5G Internet standard will soon make it possible for users to choose unsecured cloud services instead of having a database on their devices. And many good human businesses can be killed by the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence technology.

4. How long does it take to build an application?

It will take around 8 to 10 weeks to build a mobile app, but still, it may differ as per the client's requirements.

5. Whom to choose: Freelancer vs Freelancer App Development Company?

A company or agency will add various resources to your projects, such as backend programmers, front-end programmers, quality assurance specialists, designers, and more. This can mean a lot to you; WEDOWEBAPPS offers the best mobile app development services in Australia and will professionally solve many problems in the process that you would otherwise face.

6. Why is it important to reduce mobile application development costs?

Mobile application development can be a costly endeavor, and reducing these costs can help save money for businesses and individuals alike. It can also help make mobile app development more accessible and approachable for small and medium-sized businesses.

7. What are some of the key ways to reduce mobile application development costs?

There are several ways to reduce mobile application development costs, including outsourcing development, using cross-platform development tools, minimizing the number of features in the app, and leveraging open-source frameworks and libraries.

8. What are some popular cross-platform development tools?

Some popular cross-platform development tools include Xamarin, React Native, and Flutter. These tools allow developers to build apps that can run on multiple platforms, reducing development costs and time.

9. How can minimizing the number of features in an app help reduce costs?

The more features an app has, the more development time and resources it will require. By focusing on the most essential features and prioritizing them, developers can reduce development time and costs while still delivering a functional and valuable app.

10. How can leveraging open-source frameworks and libraries help reduce costs?

Open-source frameworks and libraries can provide developers with pre-built code that can be reused, reducing the amount of custom code that needs to be developed. This can save development time and costs and also help ensure code quality and reliability.

Written by Alice

Alice is a Digital Marketer at WEDOWEBAPPS LLC. She has rich experience in SEM, SEO, social media, and other Digital Media verticals She also has been a consultant for a variety of industries, enterprises and startups. She enjoys reading and writing about digital marketing.